I must be the best and absolute worst boyfriend in the whole world. It was Katie’s and my two year anniversary on Friday. No, I didn’t forget about it. Let me explain. I ended up going down to Vermillion for the weekend because the weekend also happened to be DDays, […]
I have started to fail myself already. Just over a month ago, Katie and I decided to start blogging together. We made the deal that we would write something every single day. It’s harder than it sounds and I’ve started to fail. I’ve skipped a few days. But it’s ok, […]
My girlfriend is amazing. She is fun, sweet, pretty and amazing. This post is dedicated to her because I really love her (and she keeps ‘suggesting’ I write a post about how amazing she is.) Also, the picture is related. The beautiful female is her and the dashing, young man […]
Sorry future Devon and anyone else who may be reading this blog. I didn’t have any ground-breaking epiphanies today. Nothing Earth-shattering, mind-bending or cranium-exploding. Yup, that last one was a little bit of a stretch. But that was my day. Since nothing hit me today as a great topic to […]
Question: What are the important things in life? A couple of things today really made me think of how much I am enjoying my life and how great it actually is. First, I started my new job at BrightPlanet. I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to use my skills, […]
I’m going to tell you a story today. One day a couple months back, I was sitting at my girlfriend’s apartment just watching TV with her. I’m not sure what the topic was anymore (it’s not relevant to the rest of the story anyways) but I had an idea. I […]
A couple weeks ago, I wrote an article about a Jeep I saw with the Twitter hashtag, #SeattleBound written on it. If you have read some of my posts before, you know that I love social media and new means of communication. This old tradition of writing something on your […]
I have been looking around the internet (like always), but today’s stumblings were focused in a different direction. I have been looking for a while for a way to make my blog here a little bit more interesting and maybe get a couple followers. (besides Katie of course.) One of […]
Sixteen days. Yes, sixteen more days is all I have to wait until I get to see Mr. John Mayer in concert with Michael Franti and Spearhead. Not only is this guy crazy good at music but I am going to see him in concert. I love concerts, there is […]