Home of Devon Schreiner and Skewed Motion Media

Pretty Puppies Are Pretty Popular

I’m going to tell you a story today. One day a couple months back, I was sitting at my girlfriend’s apartment just watching TV with her. I’m not sure what the topic was anymore (it’s not relevant to the rest of the story anyways) but I had an idea. I had an idea for a blog post. When I get an idea for a blog post I have to act quickly, whether I just write it down for later or pump the article out right away, I have to do something with it or its gone. So I told Katie, I’m going to write a quick post before I lose this idea. This did not make her happy.

I grabbed my computer and started writing. I quickly noticed though that she was not still watching TV, she was watching me. She mentioned that she felt left out when I was writing a post so I suggested she start a blog and write with me. Katie thought this was a good idea but was confused about what to write about. I have done plenty of reading and researching about blogging and told her to pick something that she is passionate about. What was her response? “Puppies!”

“But how can I write about puppies?” was her next question. I told her don’t have to write about them, make a picture blog. Just post pictures of cute puppies! She loved the idea and started a blog right away. PrettyPuppyPals.com was born.

Jump ahead a couple months, I’m checking the stats on all of my websites and I notice Pretty Puppy Pals’ stats compared to mine here on Inflecto Vita. She had over double the hits that I was getting. My website had been around for twice as long as her’s had and she was still getting way more traffic than I was. I didn’t understand.

Moral of the story: There is a niche for everyone here on the internet. Start tweeting, blogging, Youtubing or anything else. People will find it, read it, watch it and will enjoy what you do. Share your passion with the world and see what treasures you can find. Anyone can contribute and make a difference with literally any topic. Now go and make the next hit website!

Do you have a blog or anything else like one that you share your passion with the internet already? Share it with me in the comments or @DevonSchreiner or @InflectoVita or on our Facebook Page.

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