I think it’s pretty safe to say that just about everyone knows what Facebook is, even if they don’t use it. Does that mean everyone is an expert on social media? Do most people even know what social media means? If the only thing you are doing is milking your […]
So Brad, over at UnitedTechGuys.com, wrote an interesting article about the web products that he couldn’t live without. I thought his list was pretty good. It was fairly accurate to what I would put on my list. I could just retweet his list, say it was mine and nobody would […]
I believe that networking is one of the most important things a person can do for themselves professionally. Being proactive, meeting people and creating opportunities for myself were the key items that ultimately got me a job.It seems like so many people in the Midwest here still don’t use Twitter […]
In a Facebook world, sometimes it’s hard to imagine anything but that familiar blue bar up at the top of your web browser. On June 28th, Google set out to change the minds of the world. Google+(pronounced Google Plus) is the newest social network of Google and is growing quicker […]
Sometimes I think about the past, what things were like, how they used to be. You know what I’ve found? It scares me! It is scary thinking that only six months ago I didn’t have my Droid. That two years ago I didn’t have a smart phone period. Four years […]
FarmVille is a game that a lot of people are playing and a game that people can easily become addicted to. You can get hooked after only logging in once. But you have gotten here because you want to quit. It’s easy really. You are only a couple steps away […]
In the past two articles, I wrote about how to keep your computer clean and the information safe, none of that is going to matter if you don’t wake up in time to use them. I received a tip on Twitter to remind all the students in the audience to […]
Speaking of social networking, because that’s one thing that I really enjoy talking about, I received a very interesting tip last night. Keeping with the social networking theme, I bring to you now a picture of the this generation. Where the the people that are living in today are living. […]
Image via CrunchBase Here is a tip for everyone that is starting off their life, whether that be starting high school, college or looking for a job. This is a tip for keeping your resume and making sure you have the right stuff in it. Try to keep your resume […]
A couple weeks ago, I wrote an article about a Jeep I saw with the Twitter hashtag, #SeattleBound written on it. If you have read some of my posts before, you know that I love social media and new means of communication. This old tradition of writing something on your […]
As you may or may not know, Twitter has a little bit of a learning curve. It’s not a bad curve until it is compared to Facebook and things people are more familiar with. Your average Facebook user that doesn’t use Twitter, will look at it and see a project […]
I absolutely love where technology is has been going in the last couple years. The merger of technology and life as we know it is becoming closer and closer to becoming complete. Things like FlipBoard for the iPad and the Sixth Sense Project all just make me giddy inside. Just […]