So I tried writing last night after I had heard about the passing of Mr. Steve Jobs, but I couldn’t bring myself to it. I didn’t know what to say. Honestly, I still don’t know what to say. I’m just sad and really confused. I’m not sure why I’m sad […]
Pre-order October 7th and receive your new iPhone 4S on October 14th. Wow, that was quick. It seems like just yesterday the original iPhone 4 was released. But that was a whole CEO ago now. Aren’t you glad you bought a Verizon iPhone 4 in February now? Aren’t you glad […]
I’m sure you’ve heard already but this morning, Apple and Verizon Wireless announced a partnership that is bringing the iPad to VZW stores on October 28th. As of right now, I’m still trying to figure out if this is a good thing or not, whether I am happy or sad. […]
So as everyone know, Apple’s WWDC was today, June 7th. They announced a couple new things and went through a bunch of the new features of the new iOS4. But what was the biggest announcement of the day? Was it about the iPad? Was it the number of apps downloaded […]
Can it be true? Has Gizmodo really found themselves in possession of the new iPhone 4 by getting lucky in a Redwood City, California bar?? Well they sure think that they have. After giving the evidence in this article about it, I think I believe them too. Why can’t I […]
Microsoft officially announced it’s “Project Pink” today, probably not to the OoOo’s and AhhHhh’s they were hoping for. Granted, I still think it’s at least worth taking a look at. Just because it doesn’t say “Apple” or have the nice little bitten off fruit on the back of it doesn’t […]
So everyone with an iPod or an iPhone has noticed the recent lack of nudity in the app store. Or at least the male population with an iPod or iPhone. Sadly, I don’t own either of these devices anymore so I still get my naked fix the old fashioned way……I […]