Have you ever been a part of any forum? It’s a community. It’s fun to be able to talk to like minded people and make friends. Well a friend of mine and I have started up a forum and we’d like you to join it.
This brand new forum is called Zombie Butlers. We’re not really sure why, that’s just a name that popped into our heads and we ran with it. As of right now, ZB is a pretty general interest kind of forum. I like to call it a life forum. It’s not just about video games or computers or cars, it’s about life. We talk about anything and everything that happens to us. There are endless possible topics.
We would like to invite you to lurk around the forum, signup and join us in our conversations. Become a part of our community and help shape the way this forum is growing. Right now, with so few members, absolutely everyone’s voice can be heard, loud and clear. Come help us grow this community into a great place to socialize.
We are also actively recruiting new members at this point, so we are hoping to bring the number of active people on the forum up. So don’t be worried that you are investing time into something that isn’t worth while, we are doing our best to make this place great.
ZB has commissioned some new artwork to be done for the site already. A new mascot and hopefully some new looks will be coming within the next couple of days. Along with that, advertisements on other sites have been bought and hopefully will draw the attention of even more people. Also, keep checking back, there are going to be contests and giveaways. We’ve got a couple of game giveaways lined up already, we are just waiting for the perfect time to launch them!
Now is your chance. Join before it’s cool to be on Zombie Butlers. Make your friends jealous. You’ll be glad you did. Also, follow ZB on Twitter. It’s the cool thing to do.
Oh, and here is a link to sign up -> http://www.zombiebutlers.com/register.php