Home of Devon Schreiner and Skewed Motion Media

Movember 2018

So here we are, Movember 2018. After years of wanting to participate, debating if I can go a month without shaving, and wondering if after 30 days my lip fuzz will even be visible to the naked eye, I’m going for it! I’ve signed up and I’ve committed to not only participating in Movember by changing my face but also by committing to 60 miles this month!

This year, I want to try to start a conversation about men’s health and health in general. My weight loss adventure really began two years ago. We had just had my daughter, the pregnancy weight was a real thing for me. Yes, it’s real for men too. And I had hit the highest weight I’ve ever seen on the scale. I decided that that was enough. About 40 pounds later, I couldn’t believe what I had accomplished.

For Movember this year, not only do I want to share awareness for healthy living, but I’d also like to share a little of my story, share some advice, and answer any questions that someone might have.

Here’s my first advice: I’m not an expert. And you don’t have to be either to lose weight and get healthy. Getting healthy doesn’t mean you need to go on any insane diets, work out every day for hours, or immaculately plan every meal for the next five years. All you have to do is try. Little habit changes work. Get in the right mindset that you want to make some changes and make them.

Hopefully I’ll be back here all month with more tips. Let me know if you have any questions for me, the not-an-expert. And good luck growing your Mo’s!

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