Well I got two new pets for when I go off to college. I just bought two dwarf frogs. They are about an inch long, green with black spots. This is not a picture of mine because I couldn’t get one, but this is exactly what they look like. One is a little bit bigger than the other. And I want everyone that is reading my blog or listening to the podcast to help me name them.
So 1. You have to do is send me your name suggestions. Send them to my email, devvon@gmail.com, send them to ourperspectiveradio@gmail.com, write them on our facebook wall, or send me a message on facebook. Send me what you think would be good names for my two dwarf frogs.
2. After I get all of the suggestions, I will pick the best ones and I will put them into a poll on our website (ourperspectiveradio.bravehost.com) and I want everyone to vote on your favorite name.
3. The two names with the most votes will become the new name of my two frogs!
Please, send in your requests for names, vote in the polls, listen to our show, and read Kevin’s blog. Thanks!